Here are the Moon Phases and what to focus on when manifesting goals.
New Moon: Clear your mind. Envision. Hold your intention. Take the first steps. Plant the seed. Create a vision board.
Crescent: Be Observant. Allow for inspiration. Take notes. Stay Positive. Go with the Flow without imposing your will.
First Quarter: Action time! Do everything you can towards achieving your vision. Every effort counts, no matter how small.
Gibbous: Prepare your heart for joy. Don’t force things to happen. It’s not time yet. Clear the way for ease of entry into your life.
Full Moon: Be in the Now. Experience the joy of results. Allow yourself to Be fully. And don’t give up. Disallow negative emotions. Positive affirmations instead to get you through if need be. Take personal record of all the positives to honour your life and yourself.
Disseminating: Time to share, share, share. Be social. Let people know of your recent experiences. Compare notes.
Last Quarter: Draw your energy back to you. Only take action if absolutely required.
Balsamic Moon: It’s time to let go. Release. Clean. De-clutter. Detoxify. Purify. Be at peace.